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The Weaving Times

Basket weaving is an age old craft that few people do in modern day times. I was inspired about 30 yeas ago by a friends hand woven basket and decided I had to learn this. My first basket , a doll cradle , because it would have been too easy to pick a simple pattern, hangs on my workshop wall. It spent many years filled with dolls, stuff animals and napping cats before it retired as a wall decoration. I quickly discovered that weaving was quite addicting. Baskets quickly filled every room of my home and spare moments were spent dying reed, searching the woods for natural materials to weave with and making my own walnut stain. Those were the days indeed, raising children and having a hobby that was so enjoyable that the whole family was usually involved. A weekend hike easily became a basket weaving search adventure. I can now weave practically in my sleep and patterns aren't necessary. I still love adding a touch of nature to my work. I call it my "wild thing" collection. Weaving, actually such a simple craft, but the possibilities are endless !

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Peperomia Variegated 

    6 inch $18.00

    4 inch $9.00

  Aloe 4 inch


Hillcrest Baskets and Greenhouse 2018


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