This program is operated by FRESH from the FARM a part of HILLCREST BASKETS & GREENHOUSE LLC.
The fall program will run for 4 weeks. Starting somewhere around mid of October 2021. Dates may change according to weather or growing season.
You will receive along with your fall fruit and vegetables the following over the 4 week period. Fresh Apple Cider, a pot of flowering pansies, a pumpkin , a blooming mum and 1 Kentucky Proud packaged food. You can add a package of pastured pork to each box as an optional service. The cost is $25.
The total cost of the program is $115.00 which is due with this application by September 7th, 2021. Delivery into the Henderson city limits is free. It can also be picked up on the farm. There is only one size box available for the fall program.
We will grow and do our best to provide you with 4 weeks of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. To harvest, wash and handle your produce using good agricultural practices. It is understood that potential problems could arise during the growing season. All reasonable strategies will be used to avoid risk. Be aware there are no refunds.
I, the undersigned, understand this application and agree to its terms.
Signed __________________________ Regular box $115.00________________
Date ____________________ Add pastured Pork $25____________________
Name ______________________
City, state, zip ___________________
Email ____________________________
Phone ________________________
Payment can be made in the form of Check, Cash or Credit Card
Card # _____________________________-